
What does these terms related to Cyclone means? Last one will surprise you!

Severe Cyclonic Storm: This term is used when maximum wind speeds are between 89-117 kmph (48-63 knots).

Landfall: Occurs when the center of a cyclone moves across the coast, typically causing the most damage due to high winds, storm surge, and heavy rains.

Landfall: Occurs when the center of a cyclone moves across the coast, typically causing the most damage due to high winds, storm surge, and heavy rains.

Fishermen Warning: Issued to protect fishermen in coastal areas with information on winds, sea conditions, and safety precautions.

Storm Surge Warning: Indicates potential life-threatening inundation from rising water moving inland due to a tropical cyclone.

Direct Hit vs. Landfall: A direct hit occurs when the core of high winds comes onshore while the storm’s center may stay offshore, distinct from a landfall where the storm's center crosses the coast.

Damage Potential: Severe cyclonic storms can cause significant damage, including blowing off rooftops, uprooting trees, and disrupting power and communication lines.

Storm Surge: Estimated by subtracting the normal high tide from the observed storm tide, significantly affecting coastal regions during a cyclone.

Impact on Infrastructure: Cyclones can cause major damage to kutcha roads and minor damage to pucca roads, affecting rail and air routes as well.

Squally Weather: Refers to frequent squalls with rain or persistent type of strong gusty winds, which are especially relevant for fishermen warnings.