Myths vs Facts




Sharks belong to a category of fish called “elasmobranchs”, known for their cartilaginous skeletons, where deposition of calcium occurs.

They have tough Skeletons- Fact:

Sharks possess superior night vision, aided by a reflective layer of tissue at the back of their eyeballs called the tapetum

Sharks close eyes when attacking- Fact:

Ampullae of Lorenzini are small black spots near their nose, eyes, and mouth that sense electromagnetic fields and temperature shifts

Sharks have Electroreceptors- Its true:

It is covered in tiny teeth-like structures called placoid scales, which reduce friction when swimming, often like sandpaper

Sharks have smooth skin- Fact:

Sharks can be aged by counting rings on their vertebrae, akin to counting tree rings, though accuracy varies by species and size

Their age is based on color- Fact:

Sharks exhibit incredible diversity in size (massive whale shark to tiny dwarf lantern), shape, habitat, diet, and behavior

All sharks are the same- Fact:

Sharks and rays possess some of the largest brains among all fish, with complex social behaviors

Sharks have walnut-sized brains- Fact:

While most sharks need to swim to breathe, some can pump water over their gills while resting

All sharks must swim constantly- Fact:

Some shark species can reproduce via parthenogenesis, and intrauterine cannibalism occurs in certain species

They reproduce like mammals- Fact: