
Eruption of Mount Tambora

Eruption of Mount Tambora

Know about one of the deadliest volcanic eruptions in history!

Mount Tambora was dormant for several centuries before its massive eruption in 1815.

The first signs of activity appeared in 1812 with rumblings and a dark cloud.

The volcano erupted on April 5, 1815, and destroyed the village of Tambora.

A moderate tsunami struck various islands in the Indonesian archipelago following the eruption.

The eruption disrupted global temperatures, causing the Northern Hemisphere summer of 1816 to cool and killing 90,000 people indirectly.

Unseasonably cool summers led to food shortages in Europe, North America, and China.

The eruption altered the monsoon season in India and China.

Ash filled the atmosphere for months, reflecting solar radiation and causing significant climate anomalies.