
List of Animal and plant species most vulnerable to

climate change

Polar Bears are endangered as melting ice disrupts their hunting and mating, increasing human conflict.

Bramble Cay Melomys, a rodent species, went extinct due to rising sea levels, marking the first mammal lost to climate change.

Corals are rapidly declining due to mass bleaching and ocean acidification, threatening marine ecosystems that house 25% of marine life.

Golden Toad, native to Costa Rica, went extinct because changing weather patterns prevented its reproduction.

Chinook Salmon struggle with rising ocean temperatures and reduced freshwater flow, which disrupts migration and increases vulnerability.

Green Sea Turtles face survival threats as warmer temperatures produce more female hatchlings, unbalancing the population.

Adélie Penguins are at risk as their primary food source, krill, diminishes due to melting Antarctic sea ice.

Bumblebees are relocating to cooler areas, affecting pollination and their food sources due to climate change.

Whales are threatened by rising sea temperatures, which impact their migration, feeding, and reproduction.

Sharks are struggling to hunt as warmer, more acidic oceans disrupt their ecosystems and increase embryo mortality.