Mind Blowing
Mind Blowing
Facts on
Facts on
This famously nocturnal bird is solitary in nature, and a group of owls is a Parliament!
Owls can catch a mouse underneath a foot of snow!
With an acute sense of hearing, owls hone the exact location of the faintest sound from a distant place, aided by asymmetric placement of ears
Owls have Binocular vision as their eyes are shaped like tubes, but are immobile!
They have hair on their beaks in form of hairlike feathers called Filoplumes!
Owls prey on other owls! Great Horned owls are the top predator for Barred Owl
These stealthy hunters can cut through air without making any sound due to serrated edges on back and front of wings.
Not all owls hoot! Barn owls make hissing sound, Eastern Screech sounds a monotonic trill and Saw-whets produce guttural sound
They do not have teeth so they swallow their entire prey, including skin and bones as a whole!
The smallest owl is smaller than your palm! Elf Owl is the smallest raptor in the world found only in deserts of US and Mexico.
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