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India ranked as world’s top arms importer (2019-23)

India ranked as world’s top arms importer (2019-23) IAS TOPPERS

A recent report from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), stated that India was the world’s top arms importer between 2019 and 2023.

India ranked as world’s top arms importer (2019-23)
[Ref- The Mint]

Key Highlights of the SIPRI Report:

Global estimates:

  • India was the world’s top arms importer for the period 2019-23 with imports increasing by 4.7% compared to 2014-18 period.
  • Arms imports by European countries increased by 94% between 2014–18 and 2019–23.
  • For the first time in over 60 years, Russia’s share of India’s weapons imports dropped below 50%, although it remained the top supplier with 36% of arms imports.
  • Nine of the 10 biggest arms importers in 2019–23, including the top 3 of India, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, were in Asia and Oceania or the Middle East.
  • Ukraine became the fourth biggest arms importer globally after it received transfers of major arms from over 30 states in 2022-23.
  • Pakistan was the fifth largest arms importer in 2019–23, which increased by 43%, with China supplying about 82% of all its arms imports.
  • Arms exports of the world’s largest supplier, U.S. grew by 17% between 2014–18 and 2019–23, while those by Russia fell by more than half to -53%.
  • France emerged as the world’s second largest arms supplier as its exports grew by 47%.
    • The largest single recipient of French arms exports was India, which accounted for nearly 30%.
  • The top 10 arms exporting countries are USA (42% of global arms exports), followed by France, Russia, China, German, Italy, UK, Spain, Israel and South Korea.
  • Among the top 10 arms exporters, five of them saw a decrease between the two five-year periods.
  • About 55% of arms imports by European countries were from the U.S.
  • Europe is responsible for about a third of global arms exports, reflecting Europe’s strong military–industrial capacity.

India’s Defence imports:

  • The total allocation for the Defence Ministry was at ₹6.2 lakh crore, for the financial year 2024-25.
  • The capital allocation for new procurements, was ₹1.72 lakh crore, 5.78% higher than the Budget Estimates of last year.
  • India’s arms imports have increased by 4.7% between 2014-18 and 2019-23, and account for 9.8% of global arms sales.
  • India’s arms imports stood at 11% of the global arms sales between 2018-22, with a slight decline in the 2019-2023 period- 9.8% of global sales.
  • While India occupies a strategically vulnerable position being the world’s largest arms importer, it remains the biggest arms customer for France, Russia and Israel.
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