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Hibernation and brumation

Hbrumation ias toppers

Alligators and other cold-blooded animals, such as snakes, turtles, salamanders, frogs, and lizards, enter a state of either hibernation or brumation to survive winter.

Hibernation ias toppers

About the Brumation:

  • TheBrumation is a process similar to hibernation but involves dormancy due to changes in temperature and light cycles.
  • It leads to lethargy, decreased metabolism and body temperature, and reduced activity and food intake.
  • Unlike hibernating animals, they occasionally emerge to drink water, keeping their body temperature close to the ambient temperature.
  • During winter, alligators brumate in water, exposing only their snouts for breathing, a behavior known as “icing behavior,” and stay in “mud holes” without moving until temperatures rise.
of minimal activity ias toppers

About the Hibernation:

  • The Hibernation is a state of minimal activity to conserve energy during extreme cold or scarce food availability, where the animals rely on fat reserves, and experience a drop-in heart rate, body temperature, and cessation of eating or drinking.
  • Examples: bears, bats, and hedgehogs.

Hibernation vs Brumation:

Hibernation vs Brumation ias toppers

Other forms of dormancy:

  • Torpor: A temporary and less intense form of hibernation.
  • Estivation: To survive hot and dry conditions.
  • Diapause: A halt in growth or reproduction in many insects during hibernation or estivation.

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