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HPM – High-power microwave weapon

High-power microwave weapon ias toppers

HPM – High-power microwave weapon , recently introduced by China, emits high-voltage bursts of electromagnetic energy to neutralize various targets.

  • This weapon was developed following their creation of a compact power source capable of disabling sensitive electronics in various targets.
High-power microwave
[ref-US naval institute]

About the High-power microwave (HPM) weapon:

  • The HPM weapon is a directed-energy weapon that emits short, extremely high-voltage bursts of electromagnetic energy across a broad spectrum, including radio and microwave frequencies, to neutralize drones, military aircraft, and satellites.
  • It features 4 compact Stirling engines that convert thermal energy into mechanical energy, producing powerful HPM waves.
  • Its superconducting coil can generate a magnetic field of up to 4 Teslas, significantly reducing energy consumption compared to existing technologies.
  • The weapon can operate continuously for 4 hours and consumes only a fifth of the energy required by previous methods, despite its low efficiency and limited range.
High-power microwave ias toppers
[ref-japan news]
High-power microwave ias toppers
waepon 1

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