Scientists have found a natural remedy to protect eucalyptus forest plantations from a pest, eucalyptus snout beetle, which is known to cause serious damage to eucalypts.
About Eucalyptus snout beetle:
- The eucalyptus snout beetle is an indigenous pest to Australia but has spread to many countries worldwide where eucalypts are cultivated.
- The beetle causes damage by feeding on leaves, buds, and shoots, resulting in stunted growth, defoliation, and significant losses.
- Its extensive flight capability allows the beetle to cause damage over vast areas, often being transported with forest products.
- Microwasps (Anaphes spp) are currently used to control the pest, but it is considered an expensive solution.
- Adults are brown and gray, about 1/3 inch long, and have an elongate, tapered head and mouthparts.
- When viewed from the side their body shape is domelike (convex).
- Eggs are laid in a blackish to dark brown, boxlike case.
- Larvae are white but appear yellowish green because of the sticky excretion that covers their body.
About the natural remedy to protect eucalyptus:
- The remedy involves using naturally occurring pathogenic fungi, specifically Beauveria pseudobassiana and Metarhizium brunneum, which were characterized to create a bio-pesticide.
- The identified pathogenic fungi offer a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to control eucalyptus snout beetle populations.
- The scientists emphasized the potential of these fungi for bio-pesticide production due to their insecticidal activity and environmental tolerance.
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