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The United Nations Biodiversity has called for the inclusion of the word ‘funga’ alongside ‘flora and fauna’ to emphasize the significance of fungi in the world of biodiversity.

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About Funga:

  • ‘Funga’ is a term introduced by the United Nations Biodiversity to highlight the importance of fungi.
  • Fungi belong to one of the six ‘kingdoms‘ of biology, alongside AnimaliaPlantaeProtistaArchaea/Archaebacteria, and Bacteria/Eubacteria.
  • UN Biodiversity advocates for equal recognition and protection of fungi alongside animals and plants in legal conservation frameworks.
  • The inclusion of ‘Funga‘ is aimed at reshaping language to reflect the crucial role fungi play in Earth’s biodiversity.

Fungi’s Role:

  • Fungi are essential for various ecological processes, including decompositionforest regenerationcarbon sequestration, and more.
  • They play a pivotal role in mammalian digestion, the global nutrient cycle, and even contribute to the production of everyday items like antibioticsbreadbeer, and chocolate.
  • Forest ecosystems heavily rely on fungi for their survival.
  • By incorporating ‘funga‘ into our everyday language and media, we acknowledge fungi’s vital role in the web of life on Earth.
  • This initiative aims to raise awareness and promote the protection of fungi on par with plants and animals.

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