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Thorium (Th)- Forms, Uses, & Distribution

China plans to start building the thorium (Th) powered world’s first molten salt reactor power station next year in the Gobi Desert.

[Ref: scmp]

About Thorium (Th):

  • It is a naturally occurring radioactive metal with atomic number 90.
  • It is found at trace levels in soil, rocks, water, plants and animals.
  • It is solid under normal conditions.
  • India and Australia have more than half of the world’s thorium reserves.


  • Thorium exists in both natural and artificial forms, and they are all radioactive.
  • In general, thorium can be found naturally as TH-227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, and 234.
  • Thorium-232 is the most stable isotope.
  • It is mainly refined from monazite sands.
    • Monazite contains 2.5% thorium.


  • It is used to make ceramics, welding rods, camera and telescope lenses, fire brick, heat-resistant paint and metals used in the aerospace industry, as well as in nuclear reactions.
  • It has the potential to be used as a fuel for generating nuclear energy.

Health Impact:

  • Inhaling thorium dust may cause an increased risk of developing lung or bone cancer.

Thorium Distribution in India:

  • Kerala is home to a massive amount of monazite sands which contains thorium.
  • India has the largest thorium deposits in the world, with the golden beaches of Odisha in the eastern.
  • Kerala and Odisha account for over 70 per cent of India’s thorium.

Ref: Source

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Frequently Asked Question:

Why is the symbol for thorium th?

Thorium is derived from Thor, the Scandinavian thundergod. Jöns Jacob Berzelius, a Swedish chemist, discovered it in thorite (ThSiO4) in 1828.

Which element is th?

Thorium is an element in the periodic table that has the atomic number 90 and is denoted by the symbol ‘Th’.

What is thorium used for?

In addition to being used in nuclear reactions, thorium is also used in the production of ceramics, welding rods, fire bricks, heat-resistant paint, and metals for the aerospace sector.

Where is thorium found in India?

India has the world’s largest thorium deposits that are found in Kerala and Odisha’s golden eastern beaches. Kerala and Odisha together hold over 70% of India’s thorium.

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