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NASA identified a potential cause for the Voyager 1 spacecraft’s “incoherent” data transmissions back to Earth.

Voyager 1 IAS Toppers
[Ref: cnn]

About Voyager 1:

  • Launched in 1977, Voyager 1’s primary mission was to conduct close-up studies of Jupiter and Saturn.
  • It crossed into interstellar space in 2012, venturing beyond the influence of the Sun into the realm of the stars.


  • Crossing the Heliosphere: It was the first spacecraft to cross the heliosphere, the boundary where the sun’s influence wanes, and the mysteries of interstellar space begin.
  • Discoveries at Jupiter: Among its numerous findings, Voyager 1 discovered a thin ring around Jupiter and two previously unseen moons, Thebe and Metis, expanding our knowledge of the Jovian system.
  • Revelations at Saturn: Its encounter with Saturn revealed five new moons and identifying a previously unknown ring, named the G-ring.


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