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The Global Society for Preservation of Baobabs and Mangroves has initiated a mission to rejuvenate baobab trees.

Baobab Trees ias toppers
[Ref: DTE]

About Baobab Tree (Upside-down Tree):

  • Baobabs are long-lived deciduous trees that range from 20 to 100 feet in height.
  • These trees feature broad trunks and compact tops, typically growing in regions such as Africa, Madagascar, and Australia.
  • Baobabs are also referred to as the “upside-down tree” because their leafless branches in the dry season resemble roots.
  • The species is considered prehistoric, existing before the splitting of the continents over 200 million years ago.

Description and Features

  • Baobab trees can live to become thousands of years old; the oldest recorded baobab was the Panke baobab in Zimbabwe, aged 2,450 years.
  • Their growth rings are very faint, making it difficult to determine their age precisely.
  • The trunk of a mature baobab is massive, often bottle-shaped or cylindrical, and tapers from bottom to top.
  • The tree’s fruit is round or oval-shaped and is highly nutritious.


  • Baobab trees are found across nine species: Two native to mainland Africa, six to Madagascar, and one to Australia.
  • A significant number of baobabs, approximately 1,000 trees, grow in and around Mandu town in the Dhar district of Madhya Pradesh, India.

Why are they called the ‘Tree of Life’?

  • Baobabs are capable of storing large amounts of fresh water in their trunks.
  • They can produce nutritious fruits even during the driest years, providing essential sustenance and making them critical during water scarcity.
  • The fiber from the bark is utilized to create various products, including rope, cloth, and strings for musical instruments.


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